Let's be frank (Never met him... hope this is a good impression.), sometimes when I write a blog it's because I'm so excited about a story that I just want to share it with the world (or sometimes warn people to avoid it like the plague). However, acts as an outlet for my thoughts and things going on in my life. I hope all of you are lucky enough to have a metaphor you can use to throw yourself out to the world. As for me, clearly that metaphor is books and movies. However, with this blog I'm just going to bluntly come out and say what's on my mind.... I CAN'T FREAKING WAIT TO BE A DAD!
I think more than anything I just want to be the best dad I can possibly be. (Luckily I have a great example from my own dad and my brothers, even the ones that aren't dad's yet.) But what kind of dad will I be? Naturally I want my kids to know the rules and to do their best to live by them so that they stay safe and happy. But if you can't tell I may have a small itsy bitsy Peter Pan complex. (Better than a Captain Hook complex!) ;) I want to be the type of dad that gets down and plays with my kids! I want to build forts with them, color with them, take goofy pictures, go camping, beat them at Disney Scene-It on a regular basis, and just join them in being kids (along with my lovely wife.) I just want to make the time count.
No, I'm not going to force them to like books and movies the way I do; I want them to follow their own passions... But I will try to influence them at an early age. Sometime I just sit and imagine my future family doing a weekly tradition of cooking dinner for the lovely Alisa every Friday night and than cozying up for a game and movie night. Man, that sounds like my idea of paradise... So much so that I have taken the liberty of making another list. The top ten family films I want to share with my kids. Now naturally these aren't all my favorites because there are just so many out there. I'm going to do the list a favor and leave out animated films cause otherwise most of these wouldn't make it (I'll get to that list next week.) So here's the deal: if your favorite isn't on the list, leave it in the comments so I can add it to mine. I mean, there are a lot of weekends to plan for since I intend on making my kids do this til they're.... 21 or so ;)
My original idea this week was to write a blog on the seven best Peter Pan adaptations like I did with Snow White. Sadly, most people didn't seem to enjoy that one so I cut out the idea of doing it again. Luckily this movie (which would have topped the list) gets on here. I'm not going to lie, I cried like a baby in the theater with this one. I'm not going to even bother explaining why I think my kids will love this. It is, in short, a phenomenal movie. I love that it teaches everyone, even adults, the importance of imagination. Plus, it's just good clean fun for the family (didn't that used to be on like every VHS cover?) I can only hope it'll give my kids a healthy Peter Pan complex!!
This, ladies and gentlemen, is Disney live action at it's finest! First of all, the casting for this movie was beyond perfect. Second, the concept is just plain cool; and thirdly, "I got a date with a girl cause I'm aweesommme!" The movie is just plain funny. I remember the first time I watched it, and they had the Star Wars dialogue, "You don't need my identification card." I was thinking to myself, Talk about rip off until they said exactly what I was thinking while watching the movie. I hope my kids get the concept that in order to do great things in life, the most important thing this is to believe in ourselves. Furthermore, no one is ever born perfect at anything; it still takes hard work and determination to become incredible. Now kids, let's apply that and get to work on the lawn... "To the South! Quick march!"
I'm actually surprised that Robin Williams doesn't appear more on my list; the guy was born to make family films. This movie is a great idea because it may scare my kids out of playing board games and push them to a stronger desire to read with dad. ;) In all seriousness, this one is not just fun for all, it's also an important reminder to let kids grow up individually.
Who knows, if I'm not careful I may someday push my child to do something he doesn't want, and the next thing ya know he's sucked into a board game, I have monkeys in my kitchen, creepy vines all over my library and a lion in my bed room.
Alisa would never forgive me for the mess...
Who knows, if I'm not careful I may someday push my child to do something he doesn't want, and the next thing ya know he's sucked into a board game, I have monkeys in my kitchen, creepy vines all over my library and a lion in my bed room.
Alisa would never forgive me for the mess...
All jokes aside with this one. As a guy looking to get a masters in history, I want my kids to learn that history is exciting! And this movie does just that! (I'm even willing to excuse the fact that Nicholas Cage looks way to old to be preforming some of those stunts.) The reasons I love this movie are two fold: first, I love history. History is nothing but the story of people with the boring stuff cut out. ;) So what's not to like? Secondly, we've entered an age where being patriotic is no longer a good thing. I hope that my kids realize that is a stupid fade. Not to be cheesy, but, well, here it goes. The true treasure in this movie isn't the gold they find at the end, it's the principles contained in that role of paper they carry around with them.

This is the first movie I ever saw my dad cry during. And who can blame him? This movie is just as touching as it is exciting. Not only is it incredibly written but is then made even better by adding Michael Caine, Robert Duvall, and that kid who sees dead people! The monologue Duvall gives is one of my favorites ever! I might as well quote it directly, "Sometimes the things that may or may not be true are the things a man needs to believe in the most. That people are basically good; that honor, courage, and virtue mean everything; that power and money... mean nothing; that good always triumphs over evil; and I want you to remember this, that love, true love never dies... Doesn't matter if it's true or not. You see, a man should believe in those things, because those are the things worth believing in." Man, that's good stuff!
How many people actually remember this movie? It's one of Alisa and my favorite. It takes the superhero narrative to a whole new level, like Harry Potter meets X-Men. (Yes, I'm pretty sure the VHS had that on the cover too!) I don't know how Disney does this almost every time. They can take a story and make it funny, dramatic, exciting, and compelling all at the same time. And they seem to be able to do it almost every time. It must be magic. ;) This one teaches good lessons to my kids and me at the same time. (I know I keep mentioning me, but Alisa doesn't need lessons, she's already perfect! ;) For me, I learn not to put pressure on my kids to become what I want them to be. For my kids, they can learn that it takes time to reach their full potential.
Yes, this was indeed the runner up in my Peter Pan list. Alisa and I watched this the other day for the first time in a while, and I was shocked at how many of the lines I still quote today without realizing that I got them from this movie. And I mean, come on, how many of you out there haven't grabbed someone's face, mushed it up, and said "Oh, there you are Peter!" Yes, Alisa does hate when I do that to her... Regardless, this movie is a classic. Great humor for the adults and equally great humor for the kiddos. The story of Peter Pan all grown up... now THAT'S an incredible idea for a story. How come Hollywood can't deliver stuff like this anymore?
Guys, don't try to be tough, almost everyone loves this movie. I still remember on my mission driving with a fellow missionary when we heard this song and instantly started sing the words together (If you're reading this you know who you are, and you're awesome!) I remember seeing this for the first time and thinking that I can do anything that I set my mind too. Hopefully, my kids will learn that too. Then we can spend the rest of the night before bedtime singing and dancing to the songs! One thing has always bothered me though: I still don't understand how the main character grew up to be Batman... hopefully they'll make the movie explaining that soon!
I still have never read this book and it's been on my list for like six years now. I remember seeing it for the first time just because it has Lewis from Even Stevens in it. (BEST SHOW EVER!) This is fun movie and I can't wait to share it. Additionally, this is a twofer. Not only will it scare the pants off my kids at the idea of breaking the law, but it will also teach them, as a famous animated explorer has said, "Adventure is out there!" However, it goes counter to my ambition of having them share my eternal hatred of onions. Oh well, ya win some, ya lose some. I hope you guys realize I'm just kidding most of the time here, other wise you probably think I'm going to be the most manipulative dad out there...
This one is a lot like National Treasure. It let's my kids understand that learning can be fun and sometimes it can save your life. For instance, if they didn't know that the T-Rex had the qualities of the family dog, they would probably run around screaming for their life if one ever came around. Hahahaha... rookie mistake. ;) And hey, this brings Robin Williams up to three movies on this list. Not bad at all. What would make this night even better is if I could somehow get my kids excited to read about some of the historical figures mentioned in the movie afterwards. Yes, I'm NERDY! This movie if fun, exciting, and most importantly clean. It kind of has that Indian in the Cupboard feel... Wow, can I get a shout out from anyone that actually remembers that book or movie?
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Of course, I realize that by the time my family is old enough to have these there will be a lot of great new movies to watch, but one can never forget the classics! Now I just have to hope my kids like movies. Oh well, what's important is the time I spend with them, not what we do. Happy tradition making!
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Of course, I realize that by the time my family is old enough to have these there will be a lot of great new movies to watch, but one can never forget the classics! Now I just have to hope my kids like movies. Oh well, what's important is the time I spend with them, not what we do. Happy tradition making!
Man, it is so hard to name all the great ones. I thought of one, mainly because it was on tv tonight, but it is one of my all time favorites. Apollo 13 demonstrates the greatness in all humanity and the value of a single person. It leaves me inspired every time I watch it.
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy for you and Alisa; you're both going to be amazing parents! I love the idea of cooking dinner for the wife Friday nights. ;)