Christmas time! Oh, joyful month of December, how much sweet adolescent nostalgia you bring me! And yet the happiness this season brings seems to be diminishing year after year. I don't mean to dive so deep at the beginning of post designed for fun, but, well, get your scuba gear ready! Last year (and I'm sure there will be resurgence of it this year), I happened to see a meme on Facebook that caused me to pity an ever growing population of people. It was a picture of Linus during his famous "That's what Christmas is all about" speech from A Charlie Brown Christmas. But instead of his awe-inspiring words, they were replaced by a long soliloquy about how Christmas is a pagan holiday abounding with symbols that Christians stole. Wow... the irony of the whole meme was overwhelming.
First of all, let's address this stolen symbols and date idea. Let's come up with some other drastic oversimplifications of meaning based on chronology. First of all, when Americans put an Eagle symbol up they aren't being patriotic, they are actually showing their support for Charlemagne and the Roman Empire. That rainbow on the back of someone's car doesn't mean they are gay, it's actually their way of showing they have hope in the promises of God. (Funny that atheists don't attack the gay community when they steal a Jewish and Christian symbol ;) February 14th isn't the day I feel particularly lovey-dovey, its the day I show love for Oregon by remembering that was the day it was admitted as a state. Oh, and I'm not showing gratitude for my mother on the second Sunday in May, I'm actually showing gratitude for the fact that Hernando De Soto discovered the Mississippi on the second Sunday of May in 1541. And for goodness sake, Pi isn't a number!! It's a Greek letter!!! You'd think that educated people would understand the concept of a symbol. It's meaning is entirely in the eye of the beholder. As such, it can mean different things. Come on, people, we learned this with Xenophilius Lovegood! He wasn't supporting Grindelwald!! He was proclaiming his belief in the Deathly Hallows!!
What I found most amusing about this meme is that the atheist author who came up with this used the one part of the show that condemns the worldly fixation on material symbols to condescendingly attempt to lecture people on what the symbols are supposed to mean. That's what Linus was saying! The Christmas tree doesn't matter! The presents don't matter! The star doesn't matter! The reds, the greens, the Santa's, the stockings, the wreaths, and, yes, the date doesn't MATTER! It's the moral of almost every stinking Christmas movie yet atheists can't seem to grasp that you can steal all the symbols (Grinch style) and change the day but Christians will keep worshiping their Savior and celebrating the day he came to redeem us all!
Sadly, though, this becomes an inadvertent lecture for some Christians out there to be better. We all need to remember that these symbols point to the reason, they aren't the reason themselves. Further, it's lovely to consider Christmas to be all about family or all about love, and while those are important things, that's not what Christmas is. It is a time to remember the greatest gift you have all been given. It's a time to remember a sacrifice that can never be repaid. It's a time to remember the eternal (evergreen) love of our Savior. It's a time to recognize that you are a child of God with unlimited potential for good and kindness and that though you have short-comings, Someone has already provided a way to fix those. Perhaps our symbols are mocked because the people who do the mocking can comprehend the beauty of their message. I feel deep sympathy and sadness for those who can't. But this Christmas I challenge you to remember. I challenge you to become what those symbols are inviting you to be. I challenge you to live Christmas, not just celebrate it.

OK, I am five paragraphs into this thing and I haven't reviewed single book or movie yet. I think that's acceptable though since we were reviewing the greatest story ever told. But now, The soap box is away, and we're ready for some lighthearted frivolity! I now present to you my humble list of the greatest Christmas movies of all time. There is a magic in these movies that I'm sure will but you in the Christmas mood. Grab a cozy blanket and some hot coco, turn off all the lights but the Christmas tree, snuggle up with the one you love and pop in one of these films and promise you a good night. Now than, I've been looking forward to this list for half a year now so let's not make me wait any longer. ;)
10. Miracle on 34th Street
This, of course, is referring to the original and should in no way be seen as an endorsement of the newer version where that guy that brought dinosaurs back to life is Santa. This is a feel good movie that takes you all the way from Thanksgiving to Christmas. Clearly some of you would put this a lot higher on the list but it gets a little too cheesy for me at points, so we'll keep it at #10.
9. Mickey's Christmas Carol /A Charlie Brown Christmas
We are going call this one a tie considering they used to play them back-to-back nights on TV when I was a kid. Naturally since I brought in Charlie Brown for the first part of this post it has to make the list. And Mickey must be on here as well since, well... HE'S MICKEY MOUSE! I watched both of these as a kid many times. In fact, it was a tradition and if we missed it could possibly ruin the whole Christmas season. Plus they both have beautiful Christmas messages.
8. Arthur Christmas
I have already extolled this movie on my blog before. It made the top ten animated movies of all time and I still stick by that choice. Alisa and I re-watched it the other night (since it just came out on DVD) and I was still extremely touched by the message a year later. Every individual is important, every one! Plus, who isn't a fan of James McAvoy! If you are still unfamiliar with this film, change that this Christmas season!
7. Elf
I know, I know. For some of you this is the pinnacle of Christmas movies and you find it an insult to see it so low on the list. Well, neener-neener, this is my blog and as fun as this movie is it still feels like nails on a chalk board when I watch him eat the gum off the street and spaghetti with syrup... "Overall it feels like the color brown, your thoughts?" No denying it, though, this is a great Christmas movie for the whole family! Oh, and "Hey! I saw a dog today!!"
6. Home Alone
Realistically, as terrible as it would be, how many of us didn't think it would be cool if this experience happened to us?? Left alone on Christmas, house all to yourself, eating and doing whatever you want, saving the neighborhood from some really incompetent burglars... Now that would be a Christmas to remember! I would recommend it being the first time you use aftershave though. So go rent this flick and "keep the change ya filthy animal!" ;)
5. The Santa Clause
I remember seeing this movie for the first time in the movie theater. It was great because not only did I get to see an awesome movie, but I knew that since only my dad took us that meant my mom was using that distraction to go Christmas shopping! Win-win situation! I think I love everything about this movie... except Neil... no one really likes Neil.
P.S. Does anyone know where I can get that snow globe that Bernard keeps giving away?!
4. A Christmas Story
"I want an official Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle." Actually, I don't think that was ever once something I wanted for Christmas but that sure won't stop me from answering that way anytime someone asks me what I want for Christmas from now on! I love this movie: the humor, the drama, the action... the Bumpus Hounds! I think Everest is going to be in need of one of a pink bunny onesie! Just don't shoot your eye out kid!
3. The Muppet's Christmas Carol
It is a true testament to how many incredible Christmas movies there are that a film this great comes in third! How can you not love a Muppet movie that stars Michael Caine!! The music is great, the humor is in equal balance with the touching message, and the retelling of a classic Christmas tale is top notch. You may be thinking that A Christmas Carol has been done way to much in cinema. And you'd be right, but this is obviously the only one you need to see.
2. How the Grinch Stole Christmas
How can you not love this movie?! The first time I saw this in theaters, I seriously thought I was going to die laughing... and I would have been OK with that! Sadly, there are a lot of people out there who don't see the genius of this movie. To them, I must warn that "if you you utter so much as one syllable I'll hunt you don't and GUT YOU LIKE A FISH! If you'd like to fax me press the star key." I really don't think I need to say anymore here because this movie speaks for itself! Thank you, Ron Howard, for making so many great movies!
1. It's A Wonderful Life

I'll just come out and say it: it upsets me when this movie is not at the top of every Christmas movie list. It's beyond phenomenal. Who hasn't watched this movie and thought "Yeah, everyone's life would stink if I had never been born!" One of the things I love most about this film is when George Baily makes a desperate plea to Heavenly Father; he doesn't get all his problems solved. Instead he is shown how much he has to be grateful for. What an incredible message! Alisa and I watched this last night and we'll probably watch it again before this Christmas season. And you should too!
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One more thing--Views have been a little on the decline recently, so I'm asking you guys for constructive feed back. I'd love your thoughts on what you'd like to see on here and what I could do better to make my blog more interesting. For now, the biggest thing I'm thinking of doing to trimming the length, but I'm open to opinions. Remember to keep it friendly ;) Thanks again for everyone that does read and
Merry Christmas!!